Online Journals:


ACI Materials Journal

ACI Structural Journal

Acta Mathematica

Advances in Cement Research

Advances in Civil Engineering Materials


Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health

Annals of Combinatorics

Annals of Mathematics

Annals of Probability

Annual Review of Sociology

Anthropological Theory

Anthropology Today


Atomization and Sprays


Biomass & Bioenergy

BioPhysical Journal

Body and Society

Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering

Bulletin of Materials Science (Open Access)


Chemical Engineering Research and Design

Chinese Chemical Letters

Comparative Legal History

Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East

Computers & Chemical Engineering

Contributions to Indian Sociology

Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory

Crime and Justice


Design Issues

Differential Geometry and its Applications

Diplomatica: A Journal of Diplomacy and History

Ecological Modelling

EMBO Journals

EMBO Reports

Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Environmental Sustainablitity

Ethics and International Affairs



European Journal of International Relations

European Journal of Political theory


Fuel Processing Technology

Genes and Develpoment


Global History

Houston Journal of Math

India Review

Indian Economic and Social History Review

Indian Historical Review

Indiana University Mathematics Journal

Industrial Crops and Products

Integral equations and Operator theory

International History Review

International Journal of Heritage Studies

International Organisation

International Security

Israel Journal of Mathematics

Journal of American Folklore

Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis

Journal of Asian Studies

Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy (Open Access)

Journal of Biological Chemistry

Journal of Biosciences (Open Access)

Journal of Chemical Sciences (Open Access)

Journal of Complex Networks

Journal of Consciousness Studies

Journal of Earth System Science (Open Access)

Journal of Genetics (Open Access)

Journal of Interdisciplinary History

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials

Journal of Material Culture

Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies

Journal of Modern History

Journal of Ramanujan Mathematical Society

Journal of the American Statistical Association

Labor: Studies in working class history

Law and History

Law, Culture and the Humanities

Linear Algebra and its Applications

Materials & Design

Mathematical Biosciences

Mathematical Programming

Medical Anthropology

Medieval History Journal

Modern Asian Studies

Neural Networks

Nomadic Peoples

Past and Present

Pattern Recognition

Perspectives on Science

Political Theory

Pramana (Open Access)

Proceedings – Mathematical Sciences (Open Access)

Public Culture

Publications mathématiques de l'IHÉS

Remote Sensing of Environment

Renewable Energy

Resonance (Open Access)

Rethinking History

Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics

Sadhana (Open Access)


South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal (SAMAJ)

Statistics & Probability Letters

Studia Mathematica

Studies in History

Studies in Indian Politics

The American Mathematical Monthly

The Historical Journal

The Mathematical Intelligencer


Translation Studies