Chemistry of the Environment

Sprio, Thomas G

Chemistry of the Environment / Thomas G Spiro - 3rd Ed. - New Delhi :Vivi Books @2017 - xxii, 615p. 24cm.

Describes the atmosphere as a distinct sphere of the environment and the practice of industrial ecology as it applies to chemical science. This book includes coverage of nuclear chemistry, covering both natural environmental sources and anthropogenic sources, their impacts on health, and their role in energy production.

Describes the atmosphere as a distinct sphere of the environment and the practice of industrial ecology as it applies to chemical science. This book includes coverage of nuclear chemistry, covering both natural environmental sources and anthropogenic sources, their impacts on health, and their role in energy production.


Donated by Dr. N Sukumar

Environmental chemistry.
Chimie de l'environnement.
Energy and Materials
Hydrosphere and Lithosphere
Green Chemistry

540 SPI

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