Current studies on the Indus Civilization

Law, Randall William

Current studies on the Indus Civilization :Inter Regional Interaction and Urbanism in the Ancient Indus Valley:A Geological Provenience Study of Harappa's Rock and Mineral Assemblage / Randall William Law - New Delhi :Manohar Publication 2011 - xi, 1-503p. xi, 505-800p 24cm. - RIHN-Manohar Indus Project series .

9788173079309 9788173049309

S R Book Distributors :12, Satyam Enclave Tejab Mill Compound New Kot Gaon G T Road Ghaziabad

History of ancient world (to ca. 499)
4 South Asia to 647
Randall William Law
and Current studies on the Indus Civilization :Inter Regional Interaction and Urbanism in the Ancient Indus Valley:A Geological Provenience Study of Harappa's Rock and Mineral Assemblage

934 LAW

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